Ever think about how you can be as good at life as you were during your playing days?
One of the toughest things to do as an athlete is to sit down and REFLECT on your sport. This brings a great deal of pain because you also think about why you stopped playing. Some athletes don't make teams, some athletes are released due to being "too old", and some athletes were forced to walk away from their sport due to injury. All difficult to deal with especially if you were forced to cut your career short before you would have liked to!
However, REFLECTING on your career is incredibly essential!
You must find out what made you the superior athlete that you were!
Was it your Competitiveness and sheer will to beat your opponent no matter what?
Was it your Resiliency and ability to quickly bounce back from adversity?
Was it your Mental Toughness and ability to show discipline and consistency every single day?
I would encourage you to write down all attributes that you contained which led you to winning on the field or court and apply them to your life!
Know how to separate you as the athlete from you as the person, but maintain your strengths!
Through It All...WIN!