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Writer's pictureBJArmstead

Who Do You Walk With?

Paster Michael Todd once told a story about his children and how he enjoys watching them play. He stated that one particular day, he had his youngest daughter (who was about 9 or 10 months old at the time) playing with the rest of his children who were a lot older than she was. He mentioned that his children were playing and then all of a sudden they all got up and walked out the room. Everyone except his baby daughter. She couldn't walk yet, but he noticed that when all of his other children got up and walked out the room his daughter tried to get up and walk out with them. Forgetting that she couldn't walk.

I shared this story because it is extremely important to remember that no matter what the people you're are doing, our natural instinct is to do what they do. This is survival instinct to not be left out. We have all heard cliches and timeless saying like: "You show me your friends, i'll show you your future" or "You are the average of the 5 people you hang with". While these are things that we are told for the majority of our life, they are 100% true!

You have to be willing to surround yourself with people that speak nothing but greatness over your life and continuously steer you in the right direction. If there is something you want to do (like playing sports), It is essential that you put people around you who will help keep you in line and support you. I understand that our environment is so impactful on us and that sometime its hard to get away. But, all it takes is one decision! One choice to say that where you are going requires you to have ultimate focus and distraction control. You can not have any dead weight around you because all it's going to do is bring you down. Like Nas says, "Cut the fat from the meat, Bon Apetit".

If you are around people who either speak negatively over you or to you or if you are around people who attempt to keep you average and keep you they want you to be, THEN MOVE!

You are not a tree... MOVE!

Who you hang around is the most important decision you will make in life (next to choosing your partner which also goes into who you choose to have around you, but on a bigger level).

Remember, All it takes is for ONE hole to form inside the boat for entire boat to sink.

"Your tribe determines your vibe."

Through It All... WIN!

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